It Was The 2022 Gathering
The Celebrations of the 375th anniversary of Jean Trudelle's arrival in Quebec
Be Part of This Historical Moment
The 2022 Gathering was held on Saturday, August 27, 2022. The theme of this meeting was, Go back in history
The Trudel Family Association, which has existed since 1950, decided in 2022, after two years of confinement, that the time had come to celebrate the 375th anniversary of the arrival of Jean Trudelle.
The organizing committee of this celebration had the ambition to gather at least 375 bearers of the patronymic and their relatives, in order to fix on a grandiose photo this event.
Speeches by the Presidents
Jacques Trudel
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Distinguished guests and partners,
Members of the Board of Directors,
Ladies and gentlemen,
members of the Association,
Neighbors and residents of Boischatel,
Dear participants,

It is with pleasure that I address these few words to you, first of all to thank you for your presence here, among us, on a land trampled by our ancestor Jean Trudelle, in the shadow of the monument in his honour.
Thank you for being here! We couldn’t have made this historic event without you!
I also would like to thank our Board and our Organising Committee for this day of celebration and remembrance.
After two years of the pandemic, we could not ignore the 375th anniversary of our ancestor’s arrival and I want to thank all those involved in this project.
I also want to thank our predecessors who held this family association together. To the past members of the board and the various committees, thank you! We’re here because of you as well.
Everything here is a family story! The strength of the family. Like the one Jean and Marguerite have shown by settling on these inhospitable lands that have spread all over America, from north to south.
We are pleased to have with us descendants of Jean and Marguerite from Quebec, Canada and the United States.
Welcome to all!
Enjoy your day and the meeting!
Denis Trudelle
Président of the Organizing Committee
Distinguished guests,
Valued partners,
Mr. President and dear members of the Board of Directors,
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Association,
Neighbors, residents of Boischatel,
Cousins, descendants of Jean Trudelle and Marguerite Thomas,
Dear participants,

I would like to wish you a warm welcome to this historical event.
The history of our family goes through these events. We need to come together to discuss and continue to seek the truth about our ancestors. Let us remember the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the monument in 2010, the 300th anniversary of our ancestor’s arrival, marked in 1945, and the 300th anniversary of Jean and Marguerite’s marriage, in 1956. Were any of you present at these memorable events?
I asked my little cousin friends in Quebec City, with whom we are taking care of the land and the monument, if they would like to organize this celebration that we have named “Pass to History”.
So, a big thank you to Louyse Trudel, our committee secretary, who kept order on our little boat; to Louison Trudel, our wise guide who helped steer the trip; to Alain Trudel, who was always ready to raise the sails and lend a hand; and last but not least, to the one we nicknamed our busy bee, Line Trudel. Also, a big thank you to the Board of Directors for their support.
Thanks also to the Association’s communications team, Gail for the Journal and Louyse for the newsletter. Our communications are effective because you are here!
After more than 2 years of pandemic, we came up with the idea to celebrate the arrival of Jean Trudelle in Quebec around 1645. So the fact that we are 2 years late is not a problem. Maybe we are right on the anniversary, who knows? You will realize it by reading one of the main articles in the souvenir booklet that we gave you at registration.
By the way, we take this opportunity to officially launch our genealogy website This is a web platform where the red book has been entered, as well as countless updates of the data from 1955 to the present. All known descendants of Jean and Marguerite are there. And even some ancestors! Yes, you’ll get that surprise when you browse!
This wonderful platform is available to members of the Association. I would like to underline the exceptional work of Pierre Trudel, who has gathered in this site the research of many people for years! Thank you to all these people for having continued the research to achieve the most beautiful jewel of our Association since the publication of our famous red book.
A gathering of this magnitude cannot be realized without the contribution of important partners.
First of all, let me thank the Mayor of Boischatel, Benoît Bouchard. Mr. Bouchard as well as the whole team of the municipality accompanied and supported us throughout the process of organization as well as today. A sincere and big thank you!
We thank the residents of Boischatel, our neighbors, for their welcome and their understanding.
Hats off to our financial partners
Our GOLD partners
Granite Lacroix, manufacturer of funeral and commemorative monuments
Joyce and Robin Trudel
Marie-France Trudelle, ND. A., certified naturopath and massage therapist
Trudel Corporation
Trudelle Bisson Integrated Financial Services Inc.
Our SILVER partners
Lætitia Trudel-Baribault, DMD
Maison Trudel, funeral services
Our BRONZE partners
Deacon Will and Catherine Trudell
Special thanks to
Ms. Caroline Desbiens, Member of Parliament, Bloc Québécois, Beauport-Côte-de-Beaupré-Île-d’Orléans-Charlevoix
Mr. Denis Trudel, MNA, Bloc Québécois, Longueuil-Saint-Hubert
The Municipality of L’Ange-Gardien and its Mayor, Mr. Pierre Lefrançois
Thanks to our official photographer, Mr. Francis Vachon.
And a special thanks to our volunteers!
In closing, I would like to acknowledge the unconditional support of William and Jonathan Trudel, of Trudel Corporation. Thanks to them and their father, Alain, the Association now has a dedicated location to hold its meetings and store archives and promotional items. Unfortunately, mortality in this family also meant that they could not be with us. In spite of this, we send them our infinite gratitude.
We hope you will have a wonderful day with us. We have put our hearts into organizing it so that each person will leave with beautiful memories and new contacts.
Thank you for your attention!