The Newsbulletin

In this section you will find the latest edition of the newsletter

and in the sub-menu, the previous editions

(The English version is available under this menu. To have access to the bulletins published in French, choose French in the main menu. From 1993 to 2014, the regular version of the newsletter included texts in English and French).

Menu du visualiseur

How to use the pdf reader

By clicking on the image of the publication, it will be enlarged. At the bottom of the screen, a navigation menu is displayed (image opposite). Here is an explanation of the options.

  1. Zoom +
  2. Zoom –
  3. Ajust view to screen
  4. Table of content
  5. Previous Page
  6. Page Selector
  7. Next Page
  8. Download the bulletin
  9. Print the Bulletin
  10. Full Screen Mode
  11. Additonnal Parameters
  12. To the right, the “Search” field for searching word or phrase