The Genealogical Dictionnary (Red Book)
The genealogical dictionary created by Father Paul-Eugène was created in French, the mother tongue of Father Paul-Eugène. Our cousin Jacques Trudel, from Longueuil has done the translation of the first six generations. You will find here the translation of these first six generations as well as the original French version of generations seven to ten.
The pdf files in French version present on this site are digitized versions of the “Genealogy of the Trudel (Trudelle) family in America 1655-1955”.the generations have been corrected the numerous referencing errors, of the original paper version, of the dictionary of Father Paul-Eugène Trudel.
The corrections are as follows. : The corrected information is highlighted in yellow and, the value appearing in the original version is crossed out. Example. VII-246 VII-245 Barthélémi. In generation VII, the genealogical number of Bathélémi is VII-246 and not VII-245.
The present version includes a pagination of the genealogy portion. Thus, this section comprises 1263 pages included in seven distinct pdf files. In addition, each file includes an index of the names of husbands and wives. The file also includes a series of bookmarks to facilitate navigation within the document.
A section listing biographical notes has also been added to quickly identify if an individual is the subject of writings other than his or her dates of birth and marriage. Entries written in English are also indicated by the mention (EN). For our English-speaking cousins, we have also added the translation of the introduction and the first generation which were translated by Jacques Trudel, of Longueuil, administrator of the Association. As soon as other translations are available, they will be added to the updates of these files.
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